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FAQs: Services


For Landlords

When should I expect to receive my statement?

You can view your financials anytime in your owner's portal. We close our books on the 15th of every month. If we receive  any rent payments after thre15th, the rent will be included in the following month's report. 

What if the tenant pays late?

We will notify you by the 10th of the month if the tenant has not paid. We will also provide an expected date of payment. On the 3rd day we will send out a 3-day notice of late rent. If the 3rd day has lapsed we will work with you on how you would like to proceed. Several options include extension due to hardship/special circumstances, eviction, or lockout. 

When will I receive my rental income?

Funds will be deposited into your account by the 15th of every month. 

How are maintenance issues handled?

When a tenant notifies us of a problem, we will dispatch our vendor to provide pictures and quotes of the work. At the end of the month you will receive a property status report of maintenance in progress. You can also keep track of any maintenance work through your online owner's portal. 

How often do you inspect the properties?

The property manager will drive by the property once a month to take a photo of the building. We will upload photos to your online portal. You can view the photos and provide your comments and suggestions. 

Who keeps track of all the paper work?

We will keep track of all the paper work in your behalf. By January 31st, you will receive a packet for each property along with a 1099 of rents received and any maintenance receipts for your records. We will issue out a 1099 to the contractors that have worked on your properties during the year. 

FAQs: Text

For Tenants

What can I do in the Tenant Portal?

With the online tenant portal you can:

  • View your account balance, charges, and payments

  • Pay your rent online, safely, and securely

  • Submit maintenance requests

  • View and download your lease agreements and other important documents

  • Access an online directly of important phone numbers

  • And much more

When is rent due?

Rent is due on the first of each month. After the 5th, failure to pay rend (or contact us) will result in late fees for every day that the rent is late. 

What if my rent is late?

Your rent is due and expected on the rent due date specified in your lease agreement. Payments not received on time may be subject to late fees and/or other charges. It is important that rent payments are paid promptly. Remember that chronic late payments may result in legal measure that may lead to your eviction. Please contact your property manager immediately if you cannot make payment. 

How can I pay rent?

The preferred method is to pay rent via your tenant portal. You can also set up automatic payments. 

What do I do if I lose my key?

It is important that you take care of the entrance keys. Occasionally, you may fund yourself locked out of your home or in need of a replacement key, if this occurs, there will be a $150 charge. Go online to your tenant portal to submit a request. 

Why do I need renter's insurance?

Under most circumstances the landlord is not responsible for your personal property. It is important to have renters insurance to cover your belongings in the event of an unforeseen disaster. This type of insurance is inexpensive and well worth it. 

How do I handle repairs that may be needed?

Emergencies involving any immediate health and safety matters should be handled by the appropriate government agencies (police, fire, and paramedics). Then contact us soon thereafter. 


You must notify us of any repairs, no matter how minor they may seem. All maintenance needs to be in writing. Please go to the tenant portal and fill out the maintenance form unless it is an emergency, please call us right away. The responsibility of the repair will be determined by the terms of your lease. 


In the event that the landlord is responsible for the needed repair, please be aware that all repairs will be prioritized and emergencies will be handled first. Make sure that all repairs are reported in a timely manner. Remember that an ignored repair may become a large project, therefore subjecting you to a large expense. Any repair that goes unreported, thereby causing further damage to the leased premises or that of neighboring tenant, may be construed as a nuisance. This type of neglect will incur further charges to your account and may change the liability of the repair and subsequent repairs. 

FAQs: Text
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